Member-only story
My Words are Meant to Be Healing
If they don’t help, that’s ok, I will keep trying
Words are powerful tools. I use them in my writing for healing. They are not meant to aggravate or ignite. They are not meant to stir anger or animosity. Suffice it to say, many of these words are not in the algorithm of social media. They do not appear at the top of your Feed. These are not the words of distrust, but of something else entirely.
These are the words of reflection, of possibility.
No, I’m not an outlier, as many many healers are taking to social media and other platforms to encourage conversation and equanimity. I’m one of hundreds of thousands who believe in goodness. And I want to encourage openness, dialogue, and trust just like them.
I want.
We all want something, don’t we?
And these wants get tangled up with all the myriad of wants out there in the world.
Rather than encourage you to clap for me, I would like to encourage us all to clap for those less fortunate than us. We’re in a bubble. All of us. It is a bubble of need. Of want. It is a bubble of distortion, of necessity.
I require.
We all require something, don’t we?