The Intrepid Meditator
This is the title of my most recent book. It is a companion book to the FREE meditation series I offer on my website. Part memoir, part self-help, The Intrepid Meditator unpacks for you a few insights on how to connect to your Truth.
Your Truth is not mine. My Truth is not yours. We’re living at a time when this is becoming more and more apparent. Individualism is pulling us into ourselves at such a sharp clip. It’s frightening how we’re pulling ourselves deeper into only our own people, only our own ideas, only our own needs without addressing the vast Collective. We’re becoming our own limitation.
I’d like to offer you this: as we explore individualism, unpack our self Truth, and make discoveries about ourselves, let us remember that we can be doing this for the betterment of not only ourselves, but others.
We need clarity and a strong alignment with our Truth because when we are clear we can help others discern. Individualism is a fraction of All That Is. We are a fraction of All. Our fractions make up the whole. Without the whole there would be little use for the fraction. Let’s stop tearing apart our threads of humanity just because we can. Individualism might light a fire in us as we get to know ourselves more clearly, but remember this: individualism disrupts the Collective.
There is nuance here, yet this is very hard to unpack. Nuance is difficult to understand, but in The Intrepid Meditator I hope to convey this idea that as much as we are learning about our soul/self (should you be so inclined), we are also learning how this soul/self falls into alignment with All That Is. To destroy for the sake of destroying someting such as an institution, a concept, a philosophy, a law will ultimately destroy the Collective. And when the Collective, that which binds us together, falls, we will fall. Without the fraction there will be nothing left of the whole. Without the whole our individual threads become meaningless.
The Intrepid Meditator is available on Audible.